Eight Decades of Love!

“She’s my princess,” he says. “I’m her William.”


2 years back, I moved into this 80 year old couple’s warm abode in Bombay and needless to say, I found a family away from home. They had no children, nor a family, yet they were happy, content and too much in love.

At 80 years, both Uncle and Aunty (Kishore and Shalu) have lived through decades of change. Their love too, has transcended decades. Today, each conversation between the two ends with, “I love you,” then the other will pipe in, “I love you more.”

More than ever, the vows they made 80 years ago are being tested – in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, the promise of togetherness they are keeping is a true example of what love is.


One day recently, Uncle looked at Aunty and said, “Shalu, I think I am very old and that I am going soon. Will you follow me?”….. “Like the tail of a kite, Kishore,” she responded without hesitation.

With tears in my eyes I asked them, what is the secret to their happiness and longevity. “We are still here with each other and able to speak about the old days and laugh about the good times we had together,” they smiled and responded.







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